Ethical Issue
Is ethics an important issue for accountants YesDon’t knowNoIs ethics an important issue for accountancy students YesDon’t knowNoHave you heard of The Purple GangYesNoHave you heard of David BowieYesN
Automotive industry
IssuesDegree to which standardisation is needed for IMS services like for example video conferencingSame service across different terminalsTerminal capabilities (UE capabilities)Content adaptation to
道德标准指南综合微电子(IMI)以提供卓越的供应过程为己任坚持公平公正公开至上的沟通并确保所有供应商均拥有平等的机会此道德标准及准则旨在确保所有IMI的供应商应至少遵循如下所概述的行为准则:避免人际关系行为及沟通过程中出现不道德的或妥协的行为及意图忠于用人单位努力遵循用人单位制定的各项规定合理谨慎行事不越权禁止任何可能造成个人利益与用人单位利益冲突的私人事务或专业活动 禁止接受当前