Unit 6 What Animals Really : [U] [C] over about oneg. There was a heated over the building of the was engaged in a with against her on the : 矛盾A is in contradiction with (adj.)A and B are
engagement: n.订婚约会 近日文章在他的微博中宣布了他与马伊琍的订婚消息 Wenzhang have announced his engagement with Ma in his micro-blog : CF:press onahead: continue doing sth. in a determined way (used in the pattern: press
Supplementary ReadingAfter ReadingDetailed ReadingGlobal ReadingDetailed ReadingBefore ReadingUnit 7 The glorious messiness of EnglishUnit 7 The glorious messiness of EnglishSupplementary ReadingAfter
5 Attendance 25 Class Performance presentation interview discussion … storm blizzard 大风雪hailstorm 冰雹snow slide HitlerDateMay 1804 Retreat from Moscow began. EventNapoleon
ListeningprehensionBackground Information2) What is the warm and fuzzy time of year Can you say a few words about it Listeningprehension This must have been Gods very planTo watch you grow a
AstronautSoldierSingerClergyman2. How serious was her caseShe suffered third-degree bums which means about 40 percent of her body was burned. As the text tells us these bums penetrated deep into her m
《综合英语》课程教学大纲prehensive English总学时数:__256_ 学分数: _ 16__ 其中:实践学时:__ __适用专业:英语(商务) 执笔者: _黄燕丽(讲师硕士) 编写日期: 一课程的性质目的和任务《综合英语》是英语(商务)专业的学科基础课程它是一门培养学生听说读写译等综合技能的课程本课程教学目的和任务在于传授英语基础知识对学生
breakindexmoreUseful Collocations: 救援小组把医疗设备和食物运到受洪灾的村庄. Internet service providers should develop security improvement services for their 1: Changes in the Way We Livesupplementbreakan indoor tennis