高中语文语法练习题 一语病题1来这里聚会的无论老少都被他清晰思路开朗的性格乐观的情绪及坚定的信心深深地感染了?2这幅图片再现了身穿节日盛装的姑娘们围绕在熊熊篝火旁一起歌舞狂欢汗水浸湿了她们的衣衫3人们认为团队有效性的关键因素不只是个体贡献的简单相加而是能使队员行动一致互相配合的团队协作技能?4读完徐志摩的《我所知道的康桥》读者就会被这诗一般的语言所谱写的回忆梦幻曲
高中英语语法练习题-高考精粹1. Ms Nancy didnt mind at all ______ to the . being not invited?? B. not being invited C. not inviting????????D. not to be invited??2.??_____ your meeting is he offered them his sincere
高中英语语法练习题-高考精粹1. Ms Nancy didnt mind at all ______ to the ceremony.A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited 2. _____ your meeting is he offered th
高考资源网 高三英语语法练习题:语法结构训练题1. In the middle of the room stands a _____ . beautiful wooden round B. round wooden beautiful C. wooden round beautiful D. beautiful round wooden2. _____ she was inv
语基天天测(5)命题人:刘强1.下列词语中加点的字读音全部正确的一项是( )A.通缉(jī)憎恶(zèng) 自怨自艾(yì) 屡见不鲜(xiān)B.泥淖(nào) 眼眶(kuàng)风流倜傥(tǎng) 少不更事(gēng)C.熟稔(rěn)朱拓(tà) 胜券在握(juàn) 忧心忡忡(chōng)D.古刹(shà) 铜臭(xìù) 为虎作伥(chāng)引吭高歌(hán
1对《再别康桥》一诗鉴赏不恰当的一项是(????? )?【选项】A.全诗四行一节诗行排列两两错落有致每句字数基本为六七个字于参差变化中见整齐每节押一韵呈现出明显的旋律感B.轻轻悄悄等叠字的反复运用增强了诗歌铿锵的节奏C.诗的第一节旋律上带着细微的弹跳性仿佛是诗人用脚尖着地走路的声音D.诗的第二节在音乐上像是用小提琴拉满弓奏欢乐的曲子诗的尾节与首节句式相似遥相呼应给人一种梦幻的感觉?B?增强了
( ) 1. The number of people invited ______ fifty but a number of them _______ absent for different reasons. A. were was B. was was C. was were
练习1 主谓一致( ) 1. The number of people invited ______ fifty but a number of them _______ absent for different reasons. A. were was B. was was C. was were
一基础练习1There are only twelve ______in the hospital..A. woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor2Mr Smith has two _______ both of whom are teachers in a school..A.brother