题名10 5 5 31 - 4010VI40 231). 如果文章中未划出删除和增添记号即使答案正确仍不得分2). 如果只标出错处和错误类型但不知如何改正得分第一步:通读全文 了解大意 同时改正明显错误有的错误很明显比如短语搭配on some occassions 不是 in some occassions第二步:逐句分析 个个击破 没有把握暂时不做没有把握的不要乱做为最后整体把握做准备第三步:
改 错 篇1.语法知识 校对改错项目要求学生运用已学过之语法知识来判断句子之正误找出语病并作修正这里要强调之一点是八级考试之这个项目不是孤立地测试学生之语法知识它更偏重学生运用语法知识之能力即怎样把书本知识转化成实际能力因此对于学生来说在平时一要巩固已学过之语法知识理清概念二要注重提高运用语言知识解决具体问题之能力 2)句际错误:对此类错误之判断要基于上下文之上也就是牵涉到句与句之间之关系了如
2005年3月21日专业八级考试改错When I was in my early teens I was taken to a spectacular showon ice by the mother of a friend. Looked round a the luxury of the my friends mother remarked on the
This amounts to about half of the million infant and maternal deaths in developing countries excluded China estimated for this year by ____5____the United Nations Childrens Fund and the US Centers f
专八改错题常见错误 11名词错误①We study quite a few subject such as maths Chinese English and physics.②They were eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question.?③I hope that you two coulde a
改错题练习样题The following passage contains several errors each line with a maximum of one error. And ATTENTION some lines might be free from error. In each case only one word is involved. You should proofr