What do YOU like doing in your free timeWarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGoing out!Habits and RoutinesWhat can we do in our free timeKey languageAsk your partne
What do YOU like doing in your free timeWarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGoing out!Habits and RoutinesWhat can we do in our free timeKey languageAsk your partne
What do YOU like doing in your free timeWarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGoing out!Habits and RoutinesWhat can we do in our free timeKey languageAsk your partne
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceAre you a good person to live withTitle pageDaily routinesElementary Face-to-FaceDescribing our daily routinesa showertake a showerstay up lateVocabularyWhich v
Put the seasons in your order of preference!WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceWinterFallSummerSpringTitle pageElementary Face-to-Facparing placesWeather and placesVocabularyElementaryFace-to
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceWhat problems can we have with our bodiesTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGoing to the doctor’sAt the doctor’sMedical problemsVocabularyElementaryFace-to-FaceMatch the medi
WarmerIs this your clothing styleElementaryFace-to-FaceFashions and trendsElementary Face-to-FaceTitle pageDescribing clothingWhat pieces of clothing did they talk aboutListen to the dialog and answer
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceAre you a good person to live withTitle pageDaily routinesElementary Face-to-FaceDescribing our daily routinesa showertake a showerstay up lateVocabularyWhich v
WarmerFind the six wordsWhich is the odd one outWhyElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FacelonelytiredsadcrazyconcentrateupsetlonelytiredsadconcentrateupsetcrazyTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGiving advic