Never too old to learn-----The book report on The art of public speaking Its very honored to take the public speaking course this team. Though its the first time for me it never to be the last time. N
1不要再用 more and more了该词组被评为中国恶俗词组榜第一老师说可以用a growing number of.. an increasing number of...2inevitable不可避免3shouldwouldcouldmaymight为什么要用这个5个词首先语气比较委婉不会很肯定显的谦虚其次可以不考虑动词的形式所以这五个词被称为最贱的词4physically benefic
英语教学法读书笔记 《英语教学法》共分六编二十一章各编的序列衔接体现了教学思想教学方法教学技巧教学形式教学艺术教学研究和教学改革的统一和理论与实践的统一《英语教学法》从实际问题出发每章开始都把有关的教学问题择要列出使读者思考研究然后通过对《英语教学法》内容的阅读探讨融会贯通地创造性地得出自己的答案形成自己的观点? 1.激发兴趣体验成功 心理学研究认为兴趣是以需要为基础的凡符合需要的事物
Those Beautiful Flowers ---Book Review: Camille I read the Chinese version of Camille a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier.
Draw a small picture for this book here. Name: ________________Class: _________________Date: Berthas Secret Battle (7-3)Dot the useful expressions
Name: ________________Class: _________________Date: November 8 2011Title of the book: Blackbones Saves the school (7-6)Useful words and expressions: : ________