学校 班级 考号 密 封 线 内 不 准 答 题新华中学2012—2013学年第一学期第二次月考试题(卷) 八年级
八年级第二学期第一次阶段性检测语文试卷一积累与运用(26分)1.下列加点的字注音有误的一项是( )(2分) A.鉴别 jiàn 弥补mí 推荐jiàn 轩昂xuān B.勒紧lēi 勾勒lè 解剖pāo 脸颊jiá C.荣誉yù 一栋dòng 逻辑jí 歧视qí D.胚胎pēi 古刹chà 刹车shā 畸形jī2.下列词语中有四个错别字划出来并
2014八下公益3月月考单项选择The underline part in the word “meant” is pronounced as ________A /i:/ B /e/C /?/ D /ai/When did Kunming terror attack happenIt happened ________ 9:20 ________ in the morning of Marc
杭州市育才中学2014年3月月考八年级下英语试卷题单项选择The underlined part in the word ‘heard’ is pronounced as ____ Yes Look! ____ basketball is new It is ____ gift from his brotherA /?/B /?: /C /?/D /?:/It will be bad for