上海市房屋租赁合同(合同编号: )Shanghai Municipality Tenancy Agreement for Premises(Contract No.:________________)本合同双方当事人:The parties to this Agreement are: 出租方(甲方): Lessor (Party A):
上海巿房屋租赁合同上海市房屋土地资源管理局上海市工商行政管理局制定二000年十一月印制While all terms and conditions shall be based on the Chinese version of Tenancy Agreement this English version shall be for reference only. 上海房屋租赁合同SHANGHAI
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.租 赁 合 同Tenancy Contract租 赁 合 同Tenancy Contract出租方(甲方): Landlord (Party A): 承租方(乙方): Tenant (Party B): 甲乙双方在自愿平等互利的基础上经协
房屋租赁合同Building to rent a contract1. 立合同当事人:1. Set the parties to a contract: 甲方(出租方):Party a (the lessor) : 乙方(承租方):Party b (lessee) : 2. 租赁标的及用途:2. Lease mark and use: 经上海欣语房地产经纪事务所(简称居间方)的居间服务甲方将位于上
租赁合同LEASE CONTRACT出租方:(以下简称甲方):Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A):承租方:(以下简称乙方):Tenant (hereinafter referred to as Party B):乙双方经过友好协商一致订立本合同以资共同遵守Party A and Party B having had friendly
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.房屋租赁合同TENANCY AGREEMENT 出租人(以下简称甲方) Landlord (
租赁合同LEASE CONTRACT出租方(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) :承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) : 根据国家有关法律法规和有关规定甲乙双方在平等自愿的基础上经友好协商一致就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜订立本合同In ac
Tenancy Agreement房屋租赁合同出租人(以下简称甲方): Landlord:(hereinafter called Party A)
房屋租赁合同TENANCY AGREEMENT房屋租赁合同TENANCY AGREEMENT 第 号出租人(以下简称甲方) Landlord (hereinafter referred to as p
上海市房屋租赁合同商品房预租Lease Agreement本合同双方当事人:Two Parties of this agreement: 出租方(甲方): Lessor (party A): 承租方(乙方):Lessee (party B):根据《中华人民共和国合同法》《上海市房屋租赁条例》(以下简称:《条例》)的规定甲乙双方在平等自愿公平和诚实信用的基础上经协商一致就乙方承租