Preview1 Listen to the recording of the text and Choose the statement that best reflects your . D 2. D 3. D 4. BVocabulary1 Be familiar with the rule of word formation. 1 Give the correspondin
Vocabulary1一个男子突然站了起来用他的鞋子朝他扔过去幸亏他及时低头躲了过去我们在他回家之前把房间通通风吧她虽然八十好几了 但还能穿针引线我们必须勇敢面对这个危险总有人要在我们这里浑水摸鱼她清楚地知道如果她把那钱放进口袋她就会倒大霉(head for:和可能遭受【不幸】会招致)会议是由一个刚刚平步青云掌握大权的妇女主持的正如老师所说剥猫皮可以有很多办法(不必墨守成规)一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河
. 一个有用的词2. 一条很有帮助的建议3. 一次痛苦的经历4. 一个含泪的声音5.一场无望的战争6. 一颗物价的宝石7. 一本无用的书8. 仔细一看9. 一个多事的年份(多事之秋)10. 一个有害的习惯11. 一只对人无害的动物12. 一个无耻的撒谎者13. 一个无阶级的社会14. 很有希望的形势15. 一次富有成果的访问16. 一支强大的军队17.一个粗心的错误18. 一个无家可归的孩子19.
Lesson 9Pre-class work II2. 1 ) ( 1 ) decoration ( 2 ) exasperation ( 3 ) infuriation (4) mockery (5) floatation (6) loathing (7) stretch (8) strik
Pre-class Work1 ) Give the nouns of the following. (1) conquest (5) blockblockage (9) conversion (2) guffaw (6) restraint (10) inhabitation (3)
Pre-class Work3. Learn the rules of word-building. Enrich and enlarge your vocabulary.1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following verbs and adjectives.(1) dignity (6) fright (11
练习答案Pre—class work H1. Paraphrase. 1) Then the two men looked at each other briefly and severely and immediately Mr. Crowther went on with his reading while Mr. Harraby-Ribston went back to his s
Pre-class Work II1. Paraphrase.1) And when he was 29 now he has found the power of another idea that has enabled him to grow from a teenager and be a rich and powerful person inputer indust
Unit 4 Wisdom of Bear WoodI Pre-class work1. Paraphrase.1) I spent most of my time wandering in the forests and the fields alone acting Robin Hood daydreaming collecting bugs and bird-watching. (Pa