崇明县2011学年第二学期五年级新世纪英语期终试卷听力文字及参考答案(满分100分 完卷时间60分钟)Part I Listening 35一.将听到单词的编号写在前面的括号里.101. These are science . There are some Chinese knots in the shop. often sing a song at the start of the En
2012学年第一学期一年级英语期终自测听力文字及参考答案Part One Listening 一 二1. fivenosefacefour(2 4 1 3)2. bookcakechickcow(1 3 2 4)3. girlgrandfathergrandmotherboy(4 2 3 1)4. mothermorni
2012学年第一学期二年级英语期终自测听力文字及参考答案Part One Listening 一I like the can ride a apples is my its a mouse is small and can swim in t climb the tree.(B A B B B B B A)二les 2. GEI 3. awe 4. GHE 5
崇明县2009学年第一学期小学四年级语文期末测试卷参考答案记录性听写(5分)内容:在江南一带每年的农历六月二十四为观莲节到了那天人们会成群结队地去观赏荷花尽情地享受生活的美好满三个错别字扣1分扣完为止二积累与运用(22分)1.选择合适的词语填在下面的横线上(5分) 正确答案依次是:隐隐约约漫天飞舞郁郁葱葱皑皑白雪毫不在乎每个占1分每个错别字扣分2.先把下面的词语进行分类再各另写一个(3分)色彩多
八年级期末(2013-1)英语听力文字及参考答案第 4页 共 NUMS 4页 2013学年第一学期八年级英语期末测试听力文字及参考答案Part 1(共25分)I 1Timmy’s favourite outdoor activity is playing baseball (D)2Christmas ising Alice and Ben are decorating the Chri
2009学年度第一学期崇明县高三年级期末考试英语试卷第I卷 (共105分)I. ListeningprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question
2009学年度第一学期崇明县高三年级期末考试英语试卷第I卷 (共105分)I. ListeningprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question