1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationLecture#0binational-Circuit SynthesisUESTC, Spring 201124binational-Circuit SynthesisDesign(设计): from informal description to logic diagram从非正式描述(如文字描述)到
1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationLecture#0binational-Circuit SynthesisUESTC, Spring 201124binational-Circuit SynthesisDesign(设计): from informal description to logic diagram从非正式描述(如文字描述)到
1Digital Logic Design and Application Lecture #6UESTC, Spring 2011Chapter 4 binational Logic Design PrinciplesBasic Logic Algebra学习要求掌握:逻辑代数的公理、定理,正负逻辑的概念与对偶关系、反演关系、香农展开定理,以及在逻辑代数化简时的作用;掌握:逻辑函数的
1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationLecture #74 2binational-Circuit AnalysisUESTC, Spring 20112Last TimeAn n-variable function has ____ minterm(maxterm)2n 0 1 The product of any two different m
1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationLecture #18Clocked Synchronous State-Machine AnalysisUESTC, Spring 2013731 state machine structure2Finite state(有限状态):实际时序电路的状态个数是可列的有限个,因此时序电路又被称为有限状态机(Finite s
Lect8EEE 202Operational AmplifiersDr. HolbertFebruary 11 2008Lect81EEE 202Op AmpsOp Amp is short for operational amplifierAmplifiers provide gains in voltage or currentOp amps can convert current to
Analytical solutionsGraphical analysisPiecewise linear analysis自己看书Incremental analysis也叫做small signal analysis
1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationChen YanLecture #1IntroductionUESTC, Spring 20112InstructorChen YanOffice: 研究院大楼508 航空航天学院 School of Astronautics & AeronauticsEMAIL: blastchen@3ResourcesTextboo
1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationChen YanLecture #2UESTC, Spring 2011Chapter 3Digital Circuits Give a knowledge of the Electrical aspects of Digital Circuits 学习要求2掌握: CMOS逻辑电平和噪声容限;CMOS逻辑基本门的电路结
1Digital Logic Design and ApplicationChenYanLecture #3CMOS Electrical BehaviorUESTC, Spring 20112Last LecturePositive Logic and Negative LogicCMOS Logic3Last LectureNAND, NOR, AOI, OAI2n transistors