Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.CLASSROOM RULES 教室守则1 I raise my hand to speak .发言请举手2 I am kind and respect others .请友好对待小朋友I keep my classroom nea
o Homer Homer:Now people have been accusing this family of not loving our country. But you cant spell USA without US ehThe Simpsons:Oh beautiful for spacious skiesFor amber waves of :Fifty stars
Grammar RulesFinding Subjects and VerbsNOTE: We will use the convention of a thin underline for subjects and a thick underline for verbs. Being able to find the right subject and verb will help you co
Classroom Rules1No interfering with the teaching and learning of others 2Respect personal space, rights and property of others 3Follow directions of all your teachers e to class prepared with al
Plural pronunciation:1: Consonants: A: voiced consonants: /z/eg/g/ eggs, handbags/n/ onions /l/ hotels, noodles B: voiceless consonants: /s/eg /k/ parks /p/ shops, topsExceptions: t------/ts/: marke
Plural pronunciation:1: Consonants:A: voiced consonants: /z/eg/g/ eggs, handbags/n/ onions /l/ hotels, noodles B: voiceless consonants: /s/eg /k/ parks /p/ shops, topsExceptions: t------/ts/: market
Why this happens截至2010年3月全国机动车保有量约1.92亿辆全国机动车驾驶人约亿人中国已经大踏步进入汽车时代 When the red light vehicular traffic pedestrians. Let us do the traffic police do
Traffic JamOf the 1340 auto tradingpanies that exported from China in 2006 1043 sold fewer than 50 vehicles overseas - and 230panies sold only one.Too many business players have only made Chin