三一口语考试三级考官问题 1. 有关时间和日期的:? What time(when) do you usually get up Whats the date today What day is it today 2. 有关业余时间的: Do you have classes at the weekends What do you usually do after school or cl
三一口语1级常用问题1 Good Morning!--Good Morning2 Good afternoon! --Good afternoon3 Good evening!--Good evening4 Hello, my name is Mike--Hello, my name is Sally5 What’s your name --My name is _____6 Nice to m
==============={ 常见问题解决方案 }==============1.黑度 1.OPC打印机和硒鼓都能影象黑度一般硒鼓会直接导致打印品质谈大家都知道鼓组建由各小配件而组成那么各小配件多能造成黑度比如OPC它的使用寿命一般在5000张在OPC使用到一定的程度就会导致字体发虚空心淡而模糊这时候就需要更换新的OPC 2.粉仓刮板 有的人总认为字体淡跟粉仓刮板没有任何关系其实粉仓刮板它是
三一口语考试三级历次考官问题 07年10月Sample questions? Grade 3: 1. 有关时间和日期的:? What time(when) do you usually get up Whats the date today What day is it today 2. 有关业余时间的: Do you have classes at the weekends Wha
期中复习题(三)一听写词语二听写声母和带调韵母三读一读连一连我 汗 蓝 湾流 事 海 歌故 们 闪 天草 心
三一口语三级考试真题大全1. What does your father do 你爸爸是做什么的My father is a worker.2. What does your mother do 你妈妈是做什么的My mother is a nurse.3. What do your parents do 你的父母是做什么的Theyre workers.4. Is your mother a
三一口语五级常见问题 TOPIC 1 音乐 1 When do you listen to the music 2 How often do you listen to the music 3 Who is your favorite star 4 Why do you like himher 5 What instrument can you play 6 Wha