大学体验英语2模拟试题一Part I Fill in the people enjoy ___________ their friends at Christmas . calling up B. calling off C. calling for D. calling on2. One must try his best to _____________ to t
模拟练习题《大学体验英语3》综合练习一单项选择题(本题共60个小题每小题2分)1. They said The should act quickly to these grievances(委屈 冤情 不平 因被误解而产生的气愤或愤恨). : .coverB .remedyC .opposeD .dispute : 【答案】B2. Although the m
Level 2??????????????????????????? Unit201?1 Lin Fei: Good morning Mr Wang. I plan to apply for a student visa to the . Could you tell me how I should prepare for this?? Wang: Yes. First get 2 Applica
大学体验英语) l m=0t=1c=fks_087068083085080065082085084095085084088070083095087067093 o 英语学习 英语学习 2010-03-20 11:05:40 阅读3564 评论9 ??字号:大中小?订阅 roller skatingterrificideayou upthen? partywonderfulholding w
roller skatingterrificideayou upthen? partywonderfulholding wearformaldress upIm not suremovieI have a testNever mindweekend? goodgoing out for dinerlove to clubgreat tennishave tomake itthats to ba
大学体验英语上机听力一级答案(免费) l m=0t=1c=fks_087068083085080065082085084095085084088070083095087067093 o 英语学习 英语学习 2010-03-20 11:05:40 阅读3564 评论9 ??字号:大中小?订阅 roller skatingterrificideayou upthen? partywonderf
电大英语(二)模拟试题答案(1—6单元)一 lost been been lived …have moved havent been metwere …been doing been drawing be …done built be been translated being sent 17. be be given be l