2000200220006 8ffd6a换前9 95tffd0p11ffd2p119p举例: 输入 a b c三个整数按从大到小顺序输出 swap(int pt1 int pt2) {int p p=pt1 pt1=pt2 pt2=p} exchange(int q1 int q2 int q3) {if(q1 < q2) swap(q1 q2) if
PointersCS 308 – Data StructuresGetting the address of a variable You need to use the address operator include <>?void main(){ int num? num = 22 cout << num= << num << endl cout << The address of n
Click Pointers…1024PointerC has pointer types for each type of objectPointers to int objectsPointers to char objectsPointers to user-defined objects (. RationalNumber)Even pointers to point
C27 DataType PointerName DataType is the values type the pointer pointing to Incl. Ptr in the pointer names is a good practice int y = 5int yPtr = yprintf(d yPtr)500000Type - left to right assig
ESL PointersEnglish Skills with Readings, 5EJohn LanganChapter Forty-FourEnglish Skills with Readings, 5E2002 The McGraw-Hillpanies, IncArticles with Count and Noncount NounsArticles are noun mark
§_point=ii_point=3fpC的存储模式a2000bb5p2①主函数的实参与函数中的形参均为指针变量互相传递的是指针变量属单向地址值传递 .在被调函数中如果改变的是变量则影响主函数 若改变的是指针则不影响主函数例子如果p的初值为a[0]即有p=a[0]则:①pi与ai为a[i]的地址计算方法为: aid 其中d为一个数组元素所占的字节数pp1p2p3例 输