英国首相布朗宣布辞职 全文(中英版)后面汉语翻译 英国首相布朗今晨发表讲话称将向英国女王提交辞呈辞去首相职务同时立即辞去工党领袖职务以下为布朗讲话全文(中英文对照): AS YOU know the general election left no party able tomand a majority in the House ofmons??? 正如你们所知道的在此次大选中
英国首相布朗今晨发表讲话称将向英国女王提交辞呈辞去首相职务同时立即辞去工党领袖职务以下为布朗讲话全文(中英文对照): AS YOU know the general election left no party able tomand a majority in the House ofmons??? 正如你们所知道的在此次大选中没有哪个政党能够在下议院中拥有多数席位 I sa
给苹果董事会和苹果: 我一直都说如果有一天当我已不能再作为苹果首席执行官履行职责和满足人们对我的期望我将首先告诉你们不幸的是这一天真的来了 在此我宣布辞去苹果首席执行官职务如果董事会认为合适的话我想担任董事长或者董事甚至普通职员都可以 至于我的继任者我强烈建议实施我们已定的继任计划并提名蒂姆·库克担任苹果CEO 我认为苹果最光明和最具创新力的日子还在后头我期待着在新的岗位上看护苹果的成
As you know the General Election left no party able tomand a majority in the House ofmons. 正如你们所知道的在此次大选中没有哪个政党能够在下议院中拥有多数席位I said I would do all that I could to ensure a strong stable and
乔布斯的辞职信非常漂亮的句式得好好背背 I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apples CEO I would be the first to let you that day has hereby resign a
AS YOU know the general election left no party able tomand a majority in the House ofmons? ? 正如你们所知道的在此次大选中没有哪个政党能够在下议院中拥有多数席位 I said I would do all that I could to ensure a strong stable and
标题英国首相布莱尔的演讲(1)Being Prime Minister is a difficult job but nothings more difficult than being a parent. And there are fewer bigger worries when you are a parent than drugs. No matter how hard you try
苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯宣布辞职英汉对照Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs holds the new iPad during the launch of Apples new tabletputing device in San Francisco California in this January 27 2010 file ph
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辞职函 xxxxx有限总经理室: 各位我带着复杂的心情写这封次致信由于您对我的能力的信任使我得以加入并且在短短的两年间获得了许多的机遇和挑战经过这两年在从事的xx开发和xx管理工作使我在xx开发xx管理等领域学到了很多知识积累了一定的经验对此我深怀感激 由于薪金的原因我不得不向提出申请并希望能与今年x月xx日正式离职 对于由此为造成的不便我深感抱歉但同时也希