觀星時使用的小手電筒最好包上什麼顏色的玻璃紙以減低亮度 eq oac(○1)紅色 eq oac(○2)黑色 eq oac(○3)白色 eq oac(○4)透明的《答案》 eq oac(○1)詳解:觀星時使用紅色的玻璃紙包住小手電筒減低亮度的效果最好
以相機經過長時間曝光拍攝北方星空可以發現夜空中的星星幾乎是以哪一顆星為中心而運轉 eq oac(○1)北極星 eq oac(○2)天狼星 eq oac(○3)織女星 eq oac(○4)牛郎星《答案》 eq oac(○1)
On the islands northern tip in the Pololū Valley overlook the sprawling forest reserves of Hawaiis lush northern region the birthplace of Kamehameha the First.在岛的北端波罗陆山谷上俯瞰夏威夷北部繁茂的森林保护区卡米哈米哈一世的出生地The
Our performance during this World Cup has not been enough to progress further and both myself and all the players regret that and are hurt and are hurt by that more than people realize.在本届世界杯上我们的表现还不够
But with this many adults returning every year to breed it clearly works.但毫无疑问每年都会有许多成年企鹅回到这里繁育后代Out in the open ocean royal penguins lead solitary lives so these cramped conditions take a bit of gett
This has allowed some animals to live here which you wouldnt normally find this close to the equator. Sea lions.这使一些通常不在赤道附近生活的动物能够来此栖息海狮Isolated on the Galapagos theyve been here so long theyve b
on the way passing the most southerly outpost in the South Pacific.途经南太平洋最南端Where New Zealands temperate seas merge with the icy waters of the Southern Ocean lies a solitary piece of land.在新西兰的温暖海域与南部