2011医学考博完型改错语法课程讲义第一章:概况1教材简介2考博要掌握的内容第二章:真题讲解12001年完形填空Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds while during the fiftee
医学考博词汇aberrant[ ?ber?nt ] a.畸变的异常的脱离常轨的ablate[ ?bleit ] v.切除摘除abstinence[ ?bstin?ns ] n.节制禁欲achromatopsia[ ?kr?um?t?psi? ] n.色盲e[ ?kni ] n.痤疮粉刺acoustic [ ?ku:stik ] . a.声学的听觉
原版视频购买地址:=107109059812011医学考博完型改错语法课程讲义第一章:概况1教材简介2考博要掌握的内容第二章:真题讲解12001年完形填空Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds wh
第一部分 医学考博写作简介摘要写作概况例句:随着现代医疗科技的发展越来越多的疾病找到了治疗方式With the development of modern medical science and technology surgeonsdoctors have found cures for more and more diseases.(正)As developping of modren
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