It seems to be most often used to express personal opinion so most of them start with the first person I.看起来这种结构通常是用于表达个人观点的因此大多数情况下是以第一人称I开头的Regarding pronunciation when you say these sentences you s
参考答案1 Personally 2 seems 3 opinion 4 against 5 in favour 6 true 7 may 8 right 9 totally 10pletely 11 afraid 12 cant 13 dont
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelA personal view of scientific writing orThe mistakes I have madeJohn KirbyPostgraduate tut
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级论电脑行业个人观点仅供参考信息时代足不出门知天下事网络上最透明的行业 :电脑行业-硬件白菜价时代 开家电脑店怎么样新概念IT服务便利店 开家电脑店怎么样一是个人或者三两个人合伙经营的小店常位于街边一是位于电脑城的大店追求出货量为主相近于批发我做的是前者第一点作为一个小店仅依靠电脑销售和维修和很难维持生计的第二点有取有舍对客户你
关于中国汽油价格上涨 我的观点随着全球化程度的不断深化我国受国际市场的影响也越来越明显国际市场油价不断变动而我国油价却只升不降对于汽油价格的提升问题自然是仁者见仁智者见智支持汽油提价的理由:促使人们研究其替代品降低对汽油的消费另外增加了人们对公共交通工具的需求一定程度上改善了环境推动了节能型汽车的研制反对汽油提价的理由(个人):影响相关产业发展促使CPI不断上升的一个原因个人观点:从个人角度
Some people say the key to success is the luck while others claim it is hard work. As far as I am concerned there are many factors contributing to success and the three fundamental ones are diligen