单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版标题样式CopyrightLiuWeihongDepartmentofEconomyandManagementFJRTVU第二章 选题与文献回顾1第一节 确定调查课题的意义 研究问题:指的是社会研究所要回答的具体问题它是一个可以通过研究来进行回答的问题社会研究的问题通常比社会世界中的某种社会现象或社会问题更为集中也更为明确研究
10 Challenging Problems in Data Mining Researchprepared for ICDM 2005Edited by Qiang Yang Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. Tech. andXindong Wu University of Vermont1ContributorsPedro Domingos Charles Elkan
Grant WeaknessesResearch Problem: Hypothesis -ill-defined lacking faulty diffuse Problem: Significance - unimportant unimaginative unlikely to provide new Design: Study group or Controls - inappro