
#组织类型# 相关文档

  • 12.pptx

    WONWONBRUSH STYLE PLACEHOLDERWRITE HERE SOMETHINGEntrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativityEntrepreneurial activities differ substantially dep

    日期:2022-04-29 格式:.pptx 页数:64页 大小:48.92MB 发布:
  • 2015年高级经济师考试重点知识梳理汇总(六十五).doc

     2015年高级经济师考试重点知识梳理汇总(六十五) 2组织的类型  (1)正式组织与非正式组织  (2)实体组织与虚拟组织 : PAGE  : 随手环球网校官方号:hqjingjishi教材最新变化报名消息考试重难点及免费及时获取免费QQ群:129666620欢迎加入千人备考交流群 HYPER

    日期:2022-05-16 格式:.docx 页数:1页 大小:2.94MB 发布:
  • 10.pptx

    PUREWrite hereSomething AboutWRITE SOMETHING HEREPROJECTTITLEWRITE SOMETHING HERE1Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity. Entrepreneur

    日期:2022-04-29 格式:.pptx 页数:60页 大小:49.72MB 发布:
  • 27.pptx

    smoothYou Can Write Hereour latestworksEntrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity. Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially dependi

    日期:2022-04-29 格式:.pptx 页数:61页 大小:78.88MB 发布:
  • 01.pptx

    level Click activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and creativity involved..Entrepreneurial activities differ substantially depending on the type of organization and

    日期:2022-04-29 格式:.pptx 页数:103页 大小:34.47MB 发布:
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