雅思口语高分句型盘点 大多说雅思考生有一个误区认为只要能使用很高级的英文单词就可以拿到7分以上那其实只有把语法做好了才可以保证高分的出现 因为只有好的语法才可以清晰地表达出最贴切的寓意vocabulary is the information but grammar is THE ONLY WAY you can rely upon to express that information.所
雅思写作高分句型分享一: 被动句1:As a result the quality of the whole population had been influenced and a country could never be expected to develop fast with a low education rate.(28)2:Nowadays a large percent
雅思口语自我介绍满分句型1. I have a hectic schedule. 我工作很忙 2.Im up to my ears in work. 我工作量很大 3.My co-workers call me a workaholic. 同事说我是个工作狂 4.During high season Im dragged from pillar to post. 旺季我得东奔西跑 5.It
盘点雅思作文十大高分句子:1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊或称叉角羚是该大陆典型的草原动物 2. Of the millions who saw Haleyset in 1986 how many people will li
雅思口语高频话题盘点雅思口语考试高频相关问题雅思口语考试中高频问题也常常出现在考试当中很多考生在备考的时候都有所准备才能保证口语考试顺利的解答下面小编就帮助大家整理了雅思口高频问题 1. Whats your name 2. Does your name have any special meaning 3. Where were youe from 4. What kind
Spiiker雅思部落格为您提供最实用资源1. Yoba对啊这是时尚女孩子创造出来的语言也是她们常说的单字之一基本上呢Yoba 就是Yes 的意思比如她们会说Do you like to go swimming with us 你就可以回答Yoba 但是这不是正式的英文纯粹是好玩的说法2. Bam chi ga bon-bon.是不是干了什么好事这群女孩子没事就喜欢说Bam chi ga b
雅思口语常用句型考试套话与考官见面语Glad to meet you nice to see seeing are youIm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here. Im glad to meet you. Im pleased to meet s a pleasure to meet you. 完全没听懂问题Could you