第一部分的个人熟悉话题问答题 当考官问道:Do you like Music 考生回答:观点:yes I do. 理由:Cuz music makes me feel relaxed. 例子:for example sweet and light music are the best choice. 下面我们来根据口语的四大评分标准来提高我们的答案: Fluency流利Gram
Describe an important letter you wrote.You should saywho you wrote to ① when you wrote it ② what you wrote ③and explain why you wrote that letter ④①②Many years ago i once wrote a love letter to a g
Spiiker雅思部落格为您提供最实用资源1. Yoba对啊这是时尚女孩子创造出来的语言也是她们常说的单字之一基本上呢Yoba 就是Yes 的意思比如她们会说Do you like to go swimming with us 你就可以回答Yoba 但是这不是正式的英文纯粹是好玩的说法2. Bam chi ga bon-bon.是不是干了什么好事这群女孩子没事就喜欢说Bam chi ga b
2012雅思口语8大热点话题北京外国语大学外研培训中心 北外雅思 HOT TOPIC ONE Education? Education was one of the most hot topics in 2009. Examiners would like to know the different situations of the education in o
雅思口语7分必由之路雅思口语考试中国人表现很强因为成绩排名位于全球倒数之列而且长期保持这种状态很稳定我们发音比小日本强但是还是超低分其中有一个原因我们不是讲口语我们痴迷于使用猛词大词准备将考官迷惑(如it was about seven oclock要说成it was approximately seven oclock)醉心于英文名言警句把考官擒获(一张口就是where there is a w
雅思口语话题范例:Police 1. Do people in China like the police Well that depends. For the most part the public really respects the police as a whole. However especially in some more remote areas the police c
雅思口语话题范例:Accident Question Describe a devastating accident you have. Sample answer The most devastating accident that I have ever seen is the one that I witnessed near (say the name of the place)
雅思口语话题范例:Water 1. Do people in China use a lot of water Water is life resource and it must be preserved and managed. It is quite limited all over the world right now. About ten or more years ago the
雅思口语话题范例:Tourism 1. What is the impact of tourism on a country There are both negative and positive impacts of tourism on a country. Today tourism is one of the largest and most dynamically developi
雅思口语话题范例:Laws 1. How successful do you think the laws are in your country On the whole Id say that the laws work pretty well. The law ensures that criminals and other people who wish harm on people