6262015??要休息知道我是神詩篇46篇伍潘怡蓉a2a3a4a5a1a6a7詩篇46篇背景這詩篇的背景是希西家在位時亞述大舉圍攻耶路撒冷情勢非常危急希西家因為懼怕就送三百他連得銀子和三十他連得金子即是將殿裏所有的金子銀子都送給他但亞述 王之後又派將軍拉伯沙基來罵陣譏笑他們不夠可騎二千匹馬的人又勸他們投降因他們的神耶和華不能救他們一副目中無神姿態因沒有一國的神能救他們脫離他的手希西家聽 了這話極
神的众子啊( 诗篇29篇 1 - 2 ) 84. 灵歌集神的众子啊神的众子啊你们要将荣耀能力归给耶和华归给耶和华要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他咳归给他以圣洁的妆饰敬拜耶和华敬拜耶和华咳敬拜耶和华
TREASURY OF DAVIDPSALM 14C.H. SpurgeonTITLE. This admirable ode is simply headed To the Chief Musician by David. The dedication to the Chief Musician stands at the head of fifty-three of the Psalms
TREASURY OF DAVIDPSALM . SpurgeonPsalms 81:1 (PSALMS)PSALM 81 Title. To the Chief Musician upon Gittith. Very little is known of the meaning of this title. We have given the best explanation known
TREASURY OF DAVIDPSALM . SpurgeonPsalms 66:1 (PSALMS)PSALM 66 TITLE. To the Chief Musician. He had need be a man of great skill worthily to sing such a Psalm as this: the best music in the world would
TREASURY OF DAVIDPSALM . SpurgeonPSALM 82 Title and Subject. A Psalm of Asaph. This poet of the temple here acts as a preacher to the court and to the magistracy. Men who do one thing well are general
TREASURY OF DAVIDPSALM . Spurgeon?Psalms 107:1 (PSALMS)PSALM 107. SUBJECT etc. This is a choice song for the redeemed of the Lord (Ps 107:2). Although it celebrates providential deliverances and there
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