Follow-up Exercise Part IV The Literature of RealismFill in the had originated in the country _____ as realisme a literary doctrine that called for reality and truth in the depiction of ordinary life
美国文学复习题Exercise One:I: Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10 points in all 1 point for each) Group 1Column A Column B( ) 1. Ezra Pounda. The Sun Also Rises ( ) 2. F.
The United StatesI. Choose the correct . In area the United States is the largest country in the . 2ndb. 3rdc. 4thd. 5th 2. The Midwest in the US refers to the region .a. west of
美国文学史及选读第一册 练习题I. Multiple Choice1. Who is different from others according to the division of writing period A. Washington Irving B. William Cullen Bryant C. Captain John Smith D. Jam
2013-2014-1 美国文学史及选读 期末复习材料Ⅰ Multiple choices1. Which is not connected with Thomas PaineA.mon Sense B. The American Crisis C. The Rights of Man
29.下列外国作家、作品、国别对应错误的一项是()A.但丁《神曲》意大利莫里哀《伪君子》法B.司汤达《红与黑》法 狄更斯《双城记》英C.屠格涅夫《上尉的女儿》俄海明威《老人与海》美D.肖洛霍夫《静静的顿河》苏联伏尼契《牛虻》爱尔兰31.下列有关文学常识的表述不正确的一项是()A.法国作家莫泊桑、俄国作家契诃夫和美国作家欧?亨利以写短篇小说名噪于世,有“世界三大短篇小说之王”的美称。B.比利时的