LXGIWYL = Weapon Set 1 Thugs Tools暴徒武器KJKSZPJ = Weapon Set 2 Professional Tools专业武器UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3 Nutter Tools疯狂武器HESOYAM = Health Armor 250k生命护甲满加25万美圆OSRBLHH = Increase Wanted Level Two
Should Retirement Age Be Postponed提纲这一问题 ()引起了人们激烈的讨论 ()分析人们的不同看法 : 利弊分析有人认为 推迟退休年龄有助于缓解老龄化社会带来的劳动力短缺问题 ()而有人认为 推迟退休年龄会增加就业压力() 减少老年人享受养老金()阐述自己观点:多方面考虑()既要考虑到改革的需求()也要照顾到老年人的权益()参考范文Along with th
利弊类作文模板某事物的好处坏处我的观点(应该怎么做)Advantages and Disadvantages of XIn recent years more and more people parents have begun to ________________. They believe that _______X________ can bring about result in
这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状再对比事物本身的利弊有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)1. 说明事物现状2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法(Nowadays there is a widespread concern over (the issue that))1 Nowadays many peo
The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet佳作欣赏一With the development of technology the Internet has played an important part in our daily life. It makes our life more convenient. 导入话题 Ther
高考作文素材:我看作弊【文题】? 作弊是校园中存在的不良现象之一它的产生有各种各样的原因但任何原因都不是正当的理由然而作弊现象却一直不能斩草除根反而愈演愈烈:其突出特点可以归纳为五个方面:一是作弊形式多样化二是作弊手段科技化三是作弊人员团伙化四是作弊范围扩大化五是作弊目的金钱化? 校园作弊为何屡禁不止有识之士认为考场从来是社会的缩影考场有问题其实并不是考场的问题腐败才是考试舞弊的源头遏制
利弊型的作文模板 Nowadays there is a widespread concern over (the issue that) 讨论议题. In fact there are both advantages and disadvantages in 讨论议题. Generally speaking it is widely believed that there are s
To be always honest is a virtue… In my opinion theres no need cheating in the exam. If you do so we fool not only teachers but also ourselves too.