如何利用思维导图进行SWOT自我分析[实战详解](2009-09-09 00:25:35) javascript: 标签: =blogk=swotB7D6CEF6ts=bpoststype=tag t _blank swot分析 =blogk=CBBCCEACB5BCCDBCts=bpoststype=tag t _blank 思维导图 =blogk=B7D6D6A7
edit the title text formatSSWOT ANALYSISWeaknessesThis is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own textOpportunitiesThis is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own textWea
SWOT分析表教育科学学院 05应用心理学 林艳新 200510300106内部环境优势劣势1英语基础不错潜力大2当过一年的班级团支书与同学关系好3性格开朗4有上进心自我完善的意识5沉得下心6有阅读的习惯7待人真诚8勤快1人际交往技巧不够好2缺乏社会经验对很多问题缺乏自己的思考3不能够承受太大的压力4考虑问题想得不够全面5情绪易波动6易受他人的想法影响7不会理财8专业知识不够系
SWTStrengthsThis is an example text Go ahead an replace it with your own text This is an example text OpportunitiesThis is an example text Go ahead an replace it with your own text This is an example
SWTStrengthsThis is an example text Go ahead an replace it with your own text This is an example text OpportunitiesThis is an example text Go ahead an replace it with your own text This is an example
edit the title text formatSStrength This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own textWeaknessesThis is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own textOpportunitiesThis is