Failure to Kick Sm
levelFacts about SmokingEvidence for Effectiveness of Health Professional Interventiomunity-Based Programs:School-Based Programs (cont.):Related Policy Efforts:GUIDING PRINCIPLES (cont.)ASK
研究:吸烟无助于减肥Smoking doesnt keep fat off[ 2007-11-05 10:17 ]A new Australian study debunking the myth that cigarettes keep weight down is a further warning about the dangers of smoking an anti-smoking bo
Pollution is inevitableWhen you turn on TV you will hear many pieces of news on pollution. Pollution exists everywhere in our daily are many kinds of pollution such as water (air) pollution soil eros
By VOA31 May 2015A single cigarette sold on a street corner may not cost a lot however the overall costs of smoking are consider the cost of human life. The World Health Organization says about 10 pe
第十二篇:Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in TeensWhile some teenagers may puff on cigarettes to self-medicate against the bluesscientists at the University of Toronto1 and the University of Montr
随着人们日渐清晰地认识到烟草对人体的危害控烟禁烟等问题也越来越受到世界各国的高度重视越来越多的国家加入到了禁烟的行列之中通过五花八门的禁烟令来封杀烟草这个健康的杀手 在德国西班牙俄罗斯日本和韩国烟草的广告赞助促销都是受到控制的另外英国法国土耳其泰国日本韩国等地的对香烟购买者的年龄也有着明确的规定而加拿大比利时英国捷克保加利亚等国家则在香烟的包装盒上下起了功夫那么各国在室内公共场所禁烟问题上又采