puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 14Instruction Level Parallelismand Superscalar ProcessorsWhat is SuperscalarSuperscalar Processor:Such a CPU that can execute multiple instruction pipelines
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 15The IA-64 Architecture151 Motivation64-bit processor developed by Intel and HP Basic concepts underlying IA-64 refers to as explicitly parallel instructio
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 12CPU Structure and Function121 Processor organizationSteps of CPU executing the instruction:Fetch instructionsInterpret instructions/decoding instructions
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 17Micro-programmed ControlIntroduction The methods that control execution of an instruction:Hardwired control InflexibleIt is difficult to add a new machine
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 18Parallel Processing181 Multiple Processor OrganizationClassification of parallel processor system based onFlynnSingle instruction, single data stream- SIS
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 11Instruction Sets:Addressing Modes and Formats111 Addressing typesDef: a method to determine the data address in the current instruction or next instructi
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 16Control Unit Operation161 Micro-OperationsAputer executes a program in many instruction cycles, typically, an instruction/cycleFetch/execute sub-cycle
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 10Instruction Sets: Characteristics and Functions101 Machine instruction characteristicsWhat is The Instruction Set ArchitecturesThe attributes of a system
puter Organization & ArchitectureChapter 13Reduced Instruction SetputersMajor Advances inputersThe family conceptIBM System/360 (1964), and then DEC PDP-8Same architecture but different im
puter Organization & ArchitectureLi ChenOffice: A206 Tel: 82663000-804820109Textbook and Referencputer Organization & ArchitectureDesigning for Performance (Seventh Edition)By William Stallings