老妈VS我之背诵英语篇 快去给我背英语是不是欠打了.老妈怒斥道. 嗯嗯好吧.我草草应付道.不瞒你说这已经是老妈第N次喊我了而我却无动于衷原来老妈觉得我的语数作业太少了便打算让我先背会儿英语在做语数作业.于是我只好在老妈的逼迫下向英语进攻.唉令人讨厌的英语我又要把你背会了.不过我也不是任老妈宰割的小女孩这不在与老妈的一次又一次战斗中我最终总结出了以下两招.1:瞒天过海这一招我虽然练得并不算炉火
Life is a chess-boardThe chess-board is the world: the pieces are the phenomena of the universe the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from u
小学英语背诵94篇 英语阅读理解短文原始材料Passage 1. WoodpeckerPassage 2. A Busy DayPassage 3. The dog and his reflectionPassage 4. An honest boyPassage 5. A birthday partyPassage 6. The Far
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Thrift [导读]本文论述了节俭这一美德的重要文章围绕论点展开层次分明Thrift is the foundation of all greatness. It is applied not only to money matters but to everything else in life—the wise use of ones time ability and energ
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经典英语短文背诵第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value. Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of