MITTEE MEMEBER: Dae Sung MooMITTEE: International OlympicmitteeTOPIC A: Gender DisparityDELEGATE: Julia Liu XuSCHOOL: Beijing High School Eliminating the gender disparity has always been
Gender IssuesDirections: Work in pairs and tell your partner what your opinion is on the questions . Can you live with the fact if your another half earns more money than you Give some reaso
European Journa
The Effects of Sex a
partial 把partial作为view的一部分来渲染可以调用render方法: <=render :partial=>menu>上面的代码会把文件名为_的模板渲染到当前模板中 <= render :partial => sharedmenu > 渲染appviewsshared_到当前模板 可以为partial单独指定layout: <= render :partial => link