三王墓的来历和传说-中国神话故事英语版中英对照《三王墓》出自晋代干宝的志怪小说集《搜神记》卷十—此篇故事在《列士传》《吴越春秋》《越绝书》《博物志》《列异传》等书中均有记载文字各异诸书记载中以《搜神记》所记最详文辞亦最佳Gangjiang and Moye who were husband and wife and lived in the state of Chu were obliged
董永和七仙女的传说-中国神话故事英语版Don Yongs Wife 董永之妻这个神话故事主要讲了汉代董永和七仙女的相遇的故事In the Han Dynasty in Qiancheng lived a man by the name of Dong Yong. His mother died when he was a child. While living with his father
七夕节中国神话故事英语版:牛郎织女的故事牛郎织女是一个很美丽的千古流传的爱情故事是我国四大民间爱情传说之一另外每年农历七月七日有百鸟到银河搭鹊桥牛郎织女相会的美好传说所以这一天被称为七夕七夕节乞巧节少女节或女儿节现代又被称为中国情人节另有同名黄梅戏电影电视连续剧等The Cowherd and the Girl WeaverOn the east bank of the Heavenly R
一个英文写成的中国传统神话故事关于中国四条江的形成Long long ago rain stopped falling in China. The people prayed for rain to the Jade Emperor for it was he who looked after everything in heaven on the land and in the sea but
双鬼侍母的故事-中国神话聊斋志异故事英语版双鬼侍母 This is a classic Chinese fairy tale. It was said that there is a kind of poisonous grass that causes people to die after eating it. People said that people who died of ea
Diven教你说美语31-特别篇-中秋节的来历(中英对照版)来源:自网络文章责任编辑:《Diven教你说美语》编委小组责任审定:Diven中秋节的来历 Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. M
用语精华版(1)一 要找的人不在 A: Hello this is carol. May I speak to miss chen B: Yes one moment please. Ill get her for you. Ok. Please hold on for a moment I will put you through. A: Thank you. B: