KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 7Case 5: Licensed to Bill The legal issues associated with acquiring, running, maintaining, upgrading and, eventually, replacing soft
Magic Tutorial #S
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 9Case 7: Trust Your Auditors Kerry accepted a position as Product Development Manager with CashSmart, a growing (but still boutique)
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 2Sample Case Study: A Tale of Two Airlines in the Information AgePrepare, in your case study group, an analysis of this sample case A
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 4Case 2: Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM, er Microsoft, er In our first few lectures, we talk about the changes taking place in
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 5Case 3: eHealth Options Shannon had been the Innovation Manager with rapidly growing software house PointyProgrammingfor only a few
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 6Case 4: Business Process Re-engineeringBuying software often changes business processes, and sometimes even business activities for
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 8Case 6: Broken Dreams Scott’s dream hade true when he scored a job as a systems integrator for the large software firm Tardis Co
KXO223 Systems Acquisition and Implementation ManagementTutorial 3Case 1: Problem-Solver Spectacular Kate solved problems for an international consulting firmHer head office was in Portugal, but her
Tutorial 7: Texture Mapping and Constant BuffersSummaryIn the previous tutorial we introduced lighting to our project. Now we will build on that by adding textures to our cube. Also we will introduce