NUMBER TWO(老板与秘书)A:(秘书)大燕B:(老板)大杨?A:(敲门)Be in :Good morning Mr. :Good :Mr. Yang please let me tell you about the schedule.? Mr. Tang will meeting you in the morning at 9:00. He wants tomunicat
秘书英文简历模板 OBJECTIVE To contribute acquired administrative skills to a senior secretaryword processor position. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS More than 13 years administrativeclerical experience type 90 wpm
与老外对话 广交会期间我和父亲来到盘福路一家酒楼吃饭 席间三名老外和一名女翻译来到我身后的桌子入座我想:平时总抱怨没有机会和老外交谈现在机会来了何不试试看父亲仿佛看透了我的心思儿子别怕他们又不是外星人想去就去嘛爸爸的一番话使我鼓起了勇气 我自信地对爸爸点了点头深深地吸了一口气转过身对那位坐在我右侧的老外说了声:heiio(你好)大概这句话太唐突了令老外吃了一惊他用怀疑的
有句描述人际关系的俗语:人心隔肚皮谁能看得清的确隔膜对企业管理工作的顺利展开会产生相当大的阻力因为隔膜的背后意味着不愿亲近不愿沟通隔膜是可怕的是管理工作中的心理障碍上级和下级之间很容易产生隔膜原因是距离老板与员工之间也容易产生隔膜原因同样是距离 郑直老师认为:这个距离有身份之间的距离能力之间的距离还有老板故意留下的空隙前两种距离是客观的不可改变的但第三种距离则完全可以通过老板自身的努力缩短它甚至
电影A: Do you know there is a very popular movie B: Really You know I am very interested in watching movie, what is it A: Titanic 3D!!! Last week, I watched it, Fantastic!! B: Oh, I know it I watched i
Hello I want to book two tickets for the train to Beijing.您好我想订两张去北京的火车票Non-stop tickets are already sold out.直达票都卖完了I expected as much. Seems like I can only go by coach.我就知道看来我只能做长途大客了Its not as bad
A:Hello this is the custmer service Can I help you B:I bought a camera in you store and used it for some time but now the camera dont work properlyits not focusing at all I would like to give me a
??à?è?ó?o£?·ó¢??êé?àOn summer vacation of this year I studied in novel old man and sea of Hemingway famous writer of . . I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much he lets me understan