

  • festivals.ppt

    单击以编辑母版标题样式单击以编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Chinese Traditional FestivalsChinese Traditional FestivalChinese Traditional FestivalfireworksDecoration for new yearcoupletBig dinner for Spring Festival Chinese Tra

  • Festivals.ppt

    Festivals Unit 7Happy Spring Festival! paper-cut dragon dance lanternHappy Springsame toSpringsame to you Paper-cuts made fordance and lanternsbye!

  • festival.ppt

    Unit1Festivals around the worldValentinesFebruary 14th欧美传统民间节日。又译圣瓦伦丁节。定于每年2月14日。情侣们在这一天互相交换表达爱意的贺卡和礼物。 它源于3世纪迫害基督教徒的罗马帝国,一位名叫瓦伦丁的教士因救助基督徒而被捕,在狱中,他与典狱长的女儿相爱 ?。269年2月14日,他被处死?。此后教会便将2月14日定为情人节作为纪念。 现在通

  • The-colourful-festivals.ppt


  • Holidays-and-Festivals.ppt


  • spring-festival.ppt

    Festive AtmosphereRice Cake

  • spring-festival.ppt

    up -sided Fu

  • unit1-festival.ppt

    Mid-AutumnFestivalsThe fifthDay ofMayP to Honour PeopleDragon Boat FestivalColumbus Day(India)October 2They would starve if food was difficult to . What do you think about the Mexican practiceof maki


    The Christmas Pantomime is a typical British Christmas tradition. It is aical musical play usually based on a popular traditional childrens story. There are two main characters in the play: the pr

  • Mid-Autumn Festival.ppt

    单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Mid-Autumn FestivalYukiTrancyLucyAngela Dating back to the Mid-autum Festival Legend of the MoonMoon FairyThe Goddess Change Fly To the MoonCh



