剑桥雅思4----8阅读同义词替换剑桥雅思四册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 1剑桥雅思四册 TEST 1 PASSAGE 1文章题目not in the face ofignorealarming rate of lossplightaccept ideafrom opinionformal tuitionclassroomharborholdmisconceptionmistaken view
雅思词汇之FIGURE t _blank 双语In this first set of sentences the word figure is used as a verb and it means to think about something or to calculate:在第一组例句中figure用作动词意为想出或计算:He was able to figure out a s
雅思词汇词根之centr 字根 表示{方位}的字根 centr = center 中央 入门字 central (a.) 中心的 centr al center 形容词字尾 进阶字 1. centrifugal (a.) 离心的 centri fug al center flee 形容词字尾 Earth stays on the orbit around the sun bec
雅思词汇替换1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的好的:good = conducive = benef
雅思培训 长沙雅思培训单词词汇的重要性 很多人认为学习英语尽量让自己听懂就能取得好的教学成果也许对于自觉的学生来说这就足够了因为他们会自己下去记生词短语但要提高一个总体成绩还得增加对词汇量地记忆才能做到得心应手语言学家Terrel认为只要掌握了足够的词汇即使没有多少语法知识外语学习者也能较好理解外语和用外语进行表达语言学家Wilkins有一句经典名言:没有语法只能传达很少的信息