2006学年五年级上学期完型填空练习:__________ :__________ 班别:__________ your whose October at course start what like tomorrow party A: Hi Susan. Happy birthdayB: Happy birthday __________
五年级下学期补全对话练习 班级: : IMr. Chen: Hello ____________ I speak to Mrs. GreenSallys mother: Hello. _____________ is Mrs. Green _____________.
八年级英语上学期补全对话专练补全对话 (有两项是多余的)A. How about this red shirtB. Its a good idea to go . What colors do you think look good on meD. Why not buy this pair of shoesE. Why not go to the new clothing store in
八年级上学期补全对话专练补全对话 (有两项是多余的)A. How about this red shirtB. Its a good idea to go soon.C. What colors do you think look good on meD. Why not buy this pair of shoesE. Why not go to the new clothing stor
(二)A: Mum I shall not have lunch at home today. B: Why not Linda A: I want to go to the pet shops at noon with my classmates. Most of the students in our class have their own pets. Mum as you kno
2006—2007学年度五年级第二学期总复习练习(五)班级: : 得分: : PAGE : PAGE 1一填空1在括号里填上适当的分数16时=( )日 800毫升=( )升4米80厘米=( )米2=3÷5==15÷( )=( )(小数)3长方体纸盒长宽高分别为5厘米4厘米3厘米这个纸盒的表面积是(
小学五年级数学上学期练习题及答案(1)某次数学测验一共出了10道题评分方法如下:每答对一题得4分不答题得0分答错一题倒扣1分每个考生预先给10分作为基础分问:此次测验至多有多少种不同的分数 (2)有三个不同的数(都不为0)组成的所有的三位数的和是1332这样的三位数中最大的是________(3)在1000和9999之间由四个不同的数字组成而且个位数和千位数的差(以大减小)是2这样的整数共有___
I. 补全对话????????????????????????? ( A )A: Hello Could I _________to the headmaster please B: ______ on for a moment please. Im sorry he isnt here _________ now. may I help youA: Thats very kind ____