Telephonepanies are promoting voice mail as an alternative to the answering machine. By recording messages from callers when a subscriber does not have access to his or her telephone voice mail
Intimidate恐吓胁迫 : to make timid or fearful : FRIGHTEN especially : topel(强迫) or deter(威吓) by or as if by n.泰然自若v.使平衡使相等: noun. A stably balanced state. easy self-possessed assurance of manner: gra
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想要提高GRE分数写作部分不可忽视GRE词汇是写作的基础但是掌握了一定要求的词汇之后要更加融汇到句子中去这是我们就要多积累一些GRE写作素材新GRE考试中教育类素材有哪些呢下面360教育整理一些供考生参考 教育类GRE写作词汇素材 1 教育的目的和作用:Transmitting democratic values create equality of opportunity prepari
Art and aesthetics Van Gogh: Van Gogh create an art genre called impressionism which focuses on expressing the inner emotion of the artist rather than objects of the visual world. Since the inner thou
GRE写作中增加文采的经典句子KNOWLEDGE 知识篇 Activity is the only road to knowledge.(George Bernard ShawBritish dramatist) 行动是通往知识的唯一道路 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳) A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books.(T