2014年5月11日托福口语真题智课网整理Task 1: Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child explain you answer in I was a child I enjoyed camping with my families the most. First of
2014年10月11日托福听力真题智课网整理Conversation 1一个男学生发现一本讲非洲某山的书挺好玩要作为topic教授说要找更多不能就靠一个而且有很多其他别的对nile起源感兴趣的explore啦之类的Conversation 2讲一个女生想去国外实习一年与director讨论.. Director的建议有 日本巴西墨西哥 有题问为什么女生不去日本 答案不确定是不是因为她语
2014年10月18日托福口语真题回忆 Task 1: Talk about a of clothing you like the most explain in details why you like wearing it. Sample I like sportswear the most. Brands like NorthFace and Columbia are my f
2013年10月27日托福口语真题回忆Task 1Describe the advantages and disadvantages of paying video 2When learning to use a new product some people prefer to read the instruction manual. Others prefer to figure out h
2014年1月25日托福口语真题智课网整理Task 1: What can we do to reduce air pollution Give examples and details in you think the following should be done to reduce air pollution. First we should drive less and use pub
托福机经:2014年12月27日托福口语真题智课网整理 T1 问学生去外上大学 有homesick怎么办(如何克服homesick) T2 prefer keep old things or new things(保留旧物还是用完扔掉) T3 学生建议new jazz hand 在campus上free concert 女不同意说下午影响学生在室外太拥挤 T4 anticipated……就
2012年9月16日托福口语真题智课网整理考试日期:是否重复完全重复北美考题题号内容Question 1Describe two schools you have been to and explain how they are different. Use specific examples and details to support your 2Do you prefer to bu