积累词汇考察1一: 请同学们把词汇考察的单词抄写在积累本上并背诵:例外(n)exception生产(n)produce 构建(v) construct 典型的 (adj)typical 随后的,后来的(adj) succeeding 化妆,弥补make up 伤口 (n)cut由…组成 be made up of 保护(v) protect愈合伤口heal the cut 减少,脱离,跌落,下
口译词汇积累undisputed invoice金额被确认后开具的发票;项目被确认后列出的项目清单从宏观方面来说: From the view of macroscopic; 从微观方面来说: From the view of microcosmicThe issue, really, is whether North Korea is prepared to make th
------------词汇的45 ------------------1.Professor smith promised to look ______ my paperthat isto read it carefully before the defence.A.after B.over C.on D.into 2.Our house is about a mile from the rai
Please translate these phrases into . strike-hard operationcampaign to crack down crimes2. provide special assistance to entitled groups3. service-oriented government4. high-caliber personnel5. mak
句子翻译(二)It is reported that by the end of 2014 Shanghai Disney Theme Park will have been open to the tourists from all over the world formally.._________________________________________________________
Mordre :
小学作文基本功训练第一部分 词语训练一怎样积累词汇同学们都知道文章是由段组成的段是由句子组成的句子又是由词语组成的这说明词语是作文的基础要写好作文就必须积累丰富的词汇像建筑工人盖房一样先要准备充足的砖瓦沙石钢筋水泥等建筑材料才能建造好高楼大厦怎样积累词汇呢1.多认识事物注意积累表示名称的词语如下列例句中加粗的词语带有鸟名的:①两个黄鹏鸣翠柳一行白鹭上青天②孔雀东南飞五里一徘徊③故人西辞黄鹤