阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。某论坛上有如下一些帖子:网友甲:累啊,感觉鸭梨山大啊!网友乙:为什么别人好像很悠闲,洒家亚历山大?网友丙:压力?来吧!习惯了。网友丁:无聊啊!每天上班、喝茶、上网聊天、下 班买菜,有鸭梨?好啊。网友戊:等我发了财,就到一个荒岛上居住,没有竞争,没有压力,吃了睡,睡了吃,看潮涨潮落,像猪一样活着。 根据你对材料的理解和感悟,自选角度,写一篇不少于800字的文章,文体
Group 5Sichuan is home to pandas, which are regarded as our national treasure With the destruction of ecology, it isn’t just as well that many pandas died in that they can’t find adequate bamboos to e
Group2-1Television plays an important role in our daily life People can get lot of fun as well as information from watching it Of all the forms of media, TV is perhaps the most direct and effective on
When it came to the very question who is the most handsome boy in our class it suddenly sparked a heated debate and everyone seemed to be enthusiastic. There was a time when nobody appreciated Yi Min
Group4-1In the past few decades , advances in cyclic technology have made it possible to recycle rubbish on a large scale It has be a heated debate whether classification dustbins should be set in
Group 6Nowadays most of the teenagers reckon cola as poison and excitant, which is unbelievable and absurd As a result, the situation of the minor‘s body leaves much to be desired In order to not only
(1ponents(简历内容和成分)1Personal data(个人信息) 2Job objective (求职目标) 3Education (教育背景) 4Work Experience Work History (工作经历) 5Social Activities Extracurricular Activities(社会活动学生社团活动) 6Awards Achievemen
Group 2Everyone of us longs to succeed , but we can’t avoid various kinds of failure What makes things worse is that someone is too poor in self-confident to gain what he wantsNo ambition , no anythin