1. It作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型 重磅阅读 四六级免费下载中心:名师讲义 最新视频 各项 听力mp3 历年真题 四六级精品全程班420元疯抢[四六级必过讲座第5期预告 往期回顾] 备考│冲刺备考:真题发挥四大攻效 备考│紧急备战50天-如何合理分配时间 备考│紧急备战60天-赵建昆秒杀听力 备考│大一新生看:当心四六级三大误区 She had said what i
四级写作高分句型1. It作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型She had said what it was necessary to say.2. 强调句型It is not who rules us that is important but how he rules us.3. All抽象名词或抽象名词itself(very形容词)He was all gentleness to her.
GRE写作高分备考句式大家在考GRE写作的时候会不会总是会猛然觉得句式这一方面还很欠缺呢要是各种变幻的句式能运用自如再加上深邃的思维分析就不愁ETS不给高分了以下是美联英语学习网为您整理的内容第一段:开头段主要是归纳论点说明论点有问题存在逻辑漏洞准备发起进攻第一层:This argument concludesrmendsargues that…第二层:To support this co
四级写作辅导-高分句型一闪光点? 1)主语从句? Why?he?would?reject?such?a?good?offer?remained?unknown?all?these?years. Whether?we?can?succeed?or?not?depends?upon?our?efforts. What?you?have?done?for?us?will?be
Many people insist that...很多人坚持认为...With the development of science and technology more and more people believe that...随着科技的发展越来越多的人认为...A lot of people seem to think that...很多人似乎认为...引出不同观点:Peoples v
专四专八作文句型1.表示原因1)There are three reasons for )The reasons for this are as )The reason for this is )The reason for this is not far to )The reason for this is that...例如: There are three reasons for the c
托福写作:高分句型十条 不论是雅思还是托福的写作部分评分标准中非常重要的一项就是句型结构要求句型结构做到丰富多变那到底什么样的句型才是高分句型呢怎样才能做到句型丰富呢现在将十种高分句型介绍给大家不需要你全部都用上因为只要用上几种就足以使你的写作成绩提高一个甚至几个档次 第一定语从句 这应该算是写作中最常用的一种句型之一适当地运用定语从句可以给你的文章增色不少 例如下面的这两个句子用上定语从
GRE写作高分必备句型(六)? 为帮助大家有效复习GRE写作GRE频道在此与大家分享GRE写作高分必备句型希望能够对各位掌握GRE写作句型有所帮助 51. There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students doing a part-time j
GRE写作高分必备句型(四)? 为帮助大家有效复习GRE写作GRE频道在此与大家分享GRE写作高分必备句型希望能够对各位掌握GRE写作句型有所帮助 31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people. 32. Although many people claim that along with the rapidly e
GRE写作高分必备句型(三)? 为帮助大家有效复习GRE写作GRE频道在此与大家分享GRE写作高分必备句型希望能够对各位掌握GRE写作句型有所帮助 21. People equate success in life with the ability of operatingputer. the last decades advances in medical technology