电力系统工程基础学员:电气2001级4、5、6班授课:王少荣一、关于电力系统工程基础课程设置背景:宽口径培养、加强基础、弱化专业2 本课程特点、前修课程、后续课程 特点:专业基础课、与生产实际联系紧密 前修课程:电路理论、电机学 后续课程:电力系统分析、继电保护、电力系统自动化等3 学习方式、要求学习方式:听课、作业、复习、实验要求:基本概念清楚、主要内容掌握、理论联系实际4 考核方式:笔
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TARGETCHARTFor PowerPoint97-2007Fast and effective creation of your presentationPage ? 2Target ChartThe text demonstrates how your own text will look when you replace the placeholder with your ownyou
All phrases can be replaced with your ownphrases can be replaced with your ownphrases can be replaced with your ownphrases can be replaced with your ownPowerPoint97-2010Placeholder for your own su
CUBECHARTFor PowerPoint97-2010Cube ChartPlaceholder for your own sub headlineFor PowerPoint97-2010
All phrases can be replaced with your ownphrases can be replaced with your ownphrases can be replaced with your ownphrases can be replaced with your ownPowerPoint97-2010Placeholder for your own su