[摘要] 英国论文写作成功的商业广告吸引眼球引导消费心理促进有效消费在赋予社会美感的同时将带来无限商机广告标题往往能起到画龙点睛的作用给留下深刻印象本文对一些英语广告的标题的特点进行了分析对英语广告标题的设计技巧提出了一些看法???? 商业广告是市场的产物在经济全球化的现代广告不仅作为一个行业而且作为一门学问如火如荼地发展经济发达国家的广告业发展得相当成熟制作针对消费者的心理
P19-21Headline LeadThe headline structure . Stamp prices to go up 2-cents in May5. the omission of the article The headline structure The headline classifications . Asia In the Drivers SeatThe Regio
Stylistic Features of the Advertising SloganBy DING XiaosongEnglish>Chinese A slogan is a form of verbal logo. In a print ad it usually appears just beneath or beside the brand name or logo. A slogan
mercial advertising of the stylistic features of English In todays increasingly fierce marketpetition advertising is an important means for the market. Stylistic features of advertisements have
ContentsTOC o 1-3 h z u l _Toc6659 Abstract1 l _Toc21871 Key Words1 l _Toc31201 摘 要1 l _Toc7261 关键词1 l _Toc2463 1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc2463 1 l _Toc30503 2. A Brief Introd
英语论文广告英语的特点1.英语广告的词汇特点 为了使产品容易被普通大众理解并很快接受英语广告通常都选用简洁明了的词语使用的普通名词单音节词动词也多是日常生活中使用频率最高的词诸如:buybegetmakelivelovehavegobring等例如以下广告句:Buyonepairgetonefree(买一赠一)形容词的使用可以给产品增添色彩因此英语广告里面较多地使用形容词来描述产品的
毕业论文英语广告的语言特点指导教师:骆红亚学 生:汤迎春 系 别:外国语学院年 级:2008重庆三峡学院二0一二年五月Linguistic Features of English AdvertisementTutor: Luo Hongya Student: Tang Yingchun Department: School of Foreign LanguagesGr