主要工作注意事项一.画之前的准备工作二.与circuit designer沟通三.layout的金属线尤其是电源线地线四.保护环五.衬底噪声六.管子的匹配精度七.一般性注意事项 八.有待解决的问题4. N管的周围应该加吸收少子电子的N型保护环(ntap)ntap环接vddP管的周围应该加吸收少子空穴的P型保护环(ptap)ptap环接gnd双环对少子的吸收效果比单环好下图是一个N管保护环的例子c.
Unit 1 The Layout of Business Letters The letterhead 信头 The Date Line 日期 The Inside Address 封内地址 The Salutation 称呼 The body of a letter 正文 Theplimentary Close 结尾敬语 The Signature 签名Inside
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thinkingan art of livingkeep selience?think?entangled?we may have experienced the matters as follows:copy homework,unwilling to think for yourselvesNot good at summing rules and just rely on the teach
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The Art of Public Speakingby Stephen Lucas - FLTRP BeijingTenth EditionCHECKLISTSChecklist 1 – Speaking with I enthusiastic about my speech I thoroughly developed the content of my I worked on the