67 油漆Lesson 67Volcanoes (Why does Tazieff risk his life like this)Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world In 194
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67、求主指引我路F大調 ?=84(一)主啊!求祢指引,指引我路!求祢施恩幫助,指引我路!使我行道不偏,憑信不憑眼見,降下雲柱、火柱,指引我路!67、求主指引我路F大調 ?=84 (二) 當有疑雲愁霧,指引我路!當有狂風、暴雨,指引我路!不分晝夜、陰晴,無論清晨、薄暮,使我前途光明,指引我路! 67、求主指引我路F大調 ?=84 (三)當我寄居在世,指引我路!不論遇何事故,指引我路!直到打勝美仗,直到跑盡我路,直到領受冠冕,指引我路!