新托福口语探秘:Question One In TOEFL iBT part one test takers are required to express and defend a personal choice from a given category. For example important people places events or activities that the te
Task 1- people 例题1:OG Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. Sample answer:The tea
:新托福口语第5到6题解析和备考建议 Question 5 Practices for L-S Integrated Task In question 5 you are asked to paraphrase the manwomans problem and then retell the solutions that the womanmanes up with. And for t
新托福口语考试题型介绍首先大家简单来了解一下托福考试:新托福考试是联网考试通常所说的ibt就是 internet based test这是相对于以前的托福纸笔考pbt --paper based test和机考cbtputer based test而言的新托福于2006年9月开始在大陆实行新旧托福在考试结构分数测评和测试的能力上都有变化从考试的结构来看新托福考试分为 阅读听力口语和写作的测
091031NA Speaking Question 1 Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation. sample answer: 091031NA Speaking Que