Click Beowulf: nephew of Higlac king of the takes place in the EpicBeowulfLiterary Focus: The Epic HeroBeowulfThe Poetry of BeowulfBeowulfThe Poetry of BeowulfCreate modern-day kennings for things y
Click Beowulf: nephew of Hygelac king of the takes place in the EpicBeowulfLiterary Focus: The Epic HeroBeowulfThe Poetry of BeowulfBeowulfThe Poetry of BeowulfBeowulf is an oralepic passed from poe
The song of beowulf is an Englands nationgal epic and its hero Beowulf--one of the national heroes of the English whole song is essentially pagan in spirit and matterwhile the interpolation is obviou
Lady in the Water symbolizes both the human desire for greed the dark side of a class wealth and sex with power and position to lure the hero and actor who is probably a symbol system one system has p
这首史诗以简短的古丹麦家谱作为开始齐尔德.谢冯是古丹麦第一位伟大的国王他以他征服敌人的能力而闻名后来齐尔德成为了荷罗斯加的曾祖父而荷罗斯加就是贝奥武夫时代古丹麦的国王荷罗斯加和他的祖先一样是一位好君王他希望借着建造名叫希奥罗特的大殿来庆贺他的统治 当大殿建成之后荷罗斯加举行了盛大的庆典盛大的宴会引起了怪兽哥伦多的注意它决定进行夜袭次日早晨荷罗斯加和他的领主知道了这次流血事件就为失丧的武士哀悼就
Class 3 Sun Yue Sabrina 2012300340049All mighty God rules over mankind and always has. It seems that everything is developing in accordance with an established track. In ancient time people were a
The poem is an example of the mingling(混合)of nature myths and heroic legends. For those interested in symbols the simplest interpretation of the myths in the poem is to regard Beowulfs successive figh
Beowulfheroic epic poem one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet 3182 alliterative long linesScandinavia the late 5th century, after the Anglo-Saxons had
单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级单击此处编辑母版标题样式 奥尔夫音乐教育体系及教学法Carl orff 卡尔.奥尔夫简介卡尔.奥尔夫(1895—1982)当代世界著名的德国作曲家音乐教育家奥尔夫的生平与音乐活动一幼儿时期接受的艺术教育出生在慕尼黑一个有艺术素养的军人世家受家庭环境的影响卡尔·奥尔夫从小对音乐和戏剧产生浓厚的兴趣这为他成为一个伟大的音乐剧大师奠定了基础
Lecture Nine