English passages:?Great Wall of China?is a series of?HYPERLINK o Fortificationfortifications?made of stone brick?HYPERLINK _earth o Rammed earthtamped earth wood and other materials generall
旅游文本的翻译TEXT泰 山今天我向各位介绍号称五岳1之首的泰山,这五岳为东岳的泰山、南岳的衡山、西岳的华山、北岳的恒山和中岳的嵩山。泰山地处我国山东省的中部,绵延200多公里,其巅峰位于泰安市北面,海拔1 545米2。泰山雄伟壮观,峻拔突兀,最高峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕3。登临泰山需走九曲十八盘的路程4,沿途可饱览绚丽的风光,观赏不同风格的古代建筑。一阶石梯,直通南天门。登上日观峰,举目远
LOGOLOGO1. 呼唤型功能文本--- 旅游翻译Aesthetic美学对于呼唤型文本由于其文本的核心是读者层因而文本的身份并不重要(since status of their authors is not important)重要的是信息的传递效果和读者的情感呼应即读者效应以唤起(calling upon)他们去行动(to act)去思考(to think)去感受(to feel) 按文本
Contents 4音译音译 字面意译: 1. 太和殿 The Hall of Grand Harmony 2. 保和殿 The Hall of Guaranteed Harmony 3. 文华殿 Hall of Literary Glory 4. 三潭印月: Three Pools Mirrorin
??? ?? ??? ?? I. Review andments on the assignments II. Skills of tourism translation III. Practice in tourism translation IV. Summary V. References for further reading V
名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and t _blank historical sites湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水 green hills and clear waters奇松怪石 strangely-shaped pines and t _blank
【古桥联袂】【Joint Presence of Ancient Bridges】金波玉浪中的锦溪素有36座桥72只窑的美丽传说现存古桥大多完整无缺碑记联柱俱在花纹图案精美形成了锦溪独特的桥文化Situated in golden waves and shinning ripples Jinxi has been long known for the beautiful legend of