托福词汇之纳米学位 纳米学位(NanoDegree)是美国新出现的新型学位凭证这一类凭证专为企业定制并输送专门人才能实现定制型人才的快速就业它具有针对性强技术难度不高就业快捷市场需求量大等特点 工作之后想要继续深造又觉得上班上课同时进行handle不了或者觉得念大学太漫长没关系纳米学位来了 Nanodegrees are at the other end of the scale from
托福词汇之:B 沈阳中睿瑾成国际教育—— bathos n.比小法平凡而陈腐风格 [ depth] baton n.警棒指挥棒接力棒 [baston bastum stick] bats a.神经不正常的怪异的 [phr. (have) bats in the belfry: BAT] batten v.长肥 [batna get better
托福词汇之:D 沈阳中睿瑾成国际教育—— deploy v.散开布置 [ deployer displicare(DIS- plicare fold) deplicareexplain] deposition n.证言口供 [ depositio -onis deponere: DEPOSIT存放堆积存款] depravity n.腐败邪恶 [D
360教育介绍托福词汇的练习题供同学们参考 Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States North and South when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobi
下面是专家同学们搜集整理的有关失眠的托福词汇供同学们参考 失眠 [shī mián] lose sleep wakefulness agrypnia ahypnosis ahypnia aypnia suffer from insomnia hyposomnia pervigilium insomnia 短语 1. 失眠患者 insomniac 2. 失眠症 anhypnia insomn
托福词汇之go bananas 托福频道带来托福词汇之go bananas希望对大家的托福词汇积累有所帮助 记得前段时间有一则新闻说是某游客在景区遇到猴子讨食游客躲闪回避后被猴子推下一山崖可见这猴子见到吃的东西尤其是自己喜欢吃的东西就会情绪激动甚至失控英文里的go bananas用来形容它们再合适不过了 Bananas又香又甜的香蕉几乎人人爱吃但对香蕉爱得最疯狂的可能得数猴子了猴子看到香蕉会
托福词汇之emotional eating? Quite often some people will confess that after a long day being calm and inplete control of their busy successful lives they collapse on the sofa and gorge on chocolate un
托福词汇之spending fast? 上大学的时候经常会有这样的情形:月初的时候大家花钱都很阔绰吃饭逛街看电影一样都不能少到了后半月家里寄来的生活费已经花得差不多了很多人就开始急剧缩减开支荤素搭配的三餐可能降级为馒头加咸菜除了上课以外其他时间都闷在宿舍…这样的行为在英文里叫做spending fast Spending fast refers to a period in which a p
托福词汇之Emo flap 当中国年轻的移民二代兴起一股洗剪吹之风时西方的叛逆青少年中也在流行emo flap(情绪摇滚头) Emo flap is a hair symbolizing ones angst and hatred of the world. It covers one of the eyes andes down in a pizza slice shape.
托福词汇之gay marriage? Gayriage?refers to marriage to a person of the same sex. When two men get married it is a gayriage while marriage between a woman and a woman is a lesriage. Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的